She walks. She takes many steps in a row with her arms held up high on either side of her like a stick-up, falls down, does not skip a beat, scrunches her face in determination, stands back up in a sort of lean forward, tripod, then bend up slowly kind of way, wobbles, walks more, falls again, repeat, repeat, repeat. She does this many times over and then remembers where she is and that there are other people in the room, and that they are probably watching her..and then she looks up, smiles, and laughes hysterically, and the laughter makes her fall down again and she begins the process again.The caregivers at daycare said that yesterday she was stopped playing, got up, slowly walked all across the room, through the swinging gate into their dining area, all the way to the table, scooted out her chair, sat in it and started tapping on the table for food.That's our girl.