Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas!
Vera and I have had a girls only weekend as Mike has gone to Orlando for our friend Elise's wedding. We wish we could have gone too, but we've made the best out of our time alone. Lots of fun playing outside, a trip to the bookstore for a new Where's Spot? book, a really fun visit with Aunt Zoe and Logan and Logan's family, several long peaceful walks with our big dog Sabine, and of course,
plenty of great food all weekend long!
Today we had a wonderful Mother's Day Strawberry Shortcake Brunch with our good friend Lea and her two boys Asher and Oliver. Their dad had to work today, so we all got together and made strawberry shortcake and played in their yard and ate till we were stuffed and sticky and grass stained and oh, so happy. What a treat. Vera especially loved their swing set and their chickens. Asher is just two months younger than her and it is so much fun to see them together. And Oliver is by far the world's most patient older brother. He is so kind to Vera, sharing all their great toys. It is amazing to me how social they are at such a young age. Vera loves being around other kids, especially these guys. She's always shy for a bit and then she warms up and lets loose, heading straight for the "new to her" toys. At Oliver and Asher's house she's pretty infatuated with their play kitchen. She loves to bang and stir in the pots and play with the plastic food. There is a plastic jar of fake pickles that is particularly fascinating to her!

We are so incredibly lucky to have such wonderful friends and
such amazing mothers in our lives.
Hope all are well on this special day!

Love, Jesse and Vera Grace

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hooray For May!

We are so happy May has arrived! April was a tough one. Vera had a nasty run in with a door and ended up with three stitches in her forehead, which she fell over and broke open again 2 weeks later. I got my wisdom teeth out and then we both ended up with a stomach flu. Thank goodness for Mike, who was patient and kind
throughout it all.
The point is, Hooray for May! We seem to be back in the world of the living and we are loving it. Hope everybody is healthy and happy.

Love to all, Jesse