Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vera has a Potty Chair!

Yes, it's true.
Vera is the proud owner of a potty chair. Ok, is green and shaped like a frog, and that creeps me out a bit, but she picked it out herself and she loves it. Today she spent literally almost a half hour sitting on it fully clothed, bopping clumsily up and down to retrieve toys from around the house, and pausing now and again to wipe her fully clothed bottom with toilet paper. She has been running to it all day, and since she's able to pick it up, she's twice carried it over to be closer to the adults in the room. Once she picked it up and carried it over to her mini frisbee golf game so she could sit on the potty, sip on her sippy cup, and leisurely flip mini frisbees into the basket. She's nuts over the thing.

We are all still giddy from our recent trip to Iowa. It was such an awesome way to start the Summer off. We had so much fun with our family celebrating Matt and Bethany's wedding and Vera had an exceptionally great time. She is a rockstar and a super traveller. A rockstar super traveller toddler extraordinaire. With a potty. A green potty shaped like a frog.

I love this age that Vera is right now. She is so busy and so delighted to be so busy. Such a busy busy worker bee, flitting from one activity to the next, taking each one so seriously, but pausing to giggle and dance and smile a toothy grin before running away full speed. She keeps us on our toes, and cracks us up constantly.

We feel so lucky to have her in our lives.
Love to all,
