Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 - Love it.

We are feeling so lucky. We had a magical Xmas in Miami, where we got to meet and love on our Vera's cousins Isabela and Mia which was such a treat. On Christmas Eve we had an almost surreal trip to the Miami Zoo with Grandma Mary. There was hardly anyone there-and we got to see so many wonderful animals- Mike and Vera even got to feed the giraffes! After a very relaxing holiday we returned home to a Super Sushi extravaganza New Year in Asheville with Pop and Uncle Anthony. And then last weekend we visited the Hansen clan in Raleigh and got to meet and adore our new cousin Ellie and celebrate Xmas all over again!

It has been a month of play and fascination for Vera. She has been such a sweet and patient traveler- always herself even in strange new circumstances- she's such a trooper! She is growing and changing every day and becoming more of a little independent person. She is loving all her new Christmas toys. It seems like before Xmas she played with paper towel tubes and golf balls and now post Xmas, she's all about her new doll house, her blocks, her baby doll and her little tent. Though I did find a couple golf balls in the doll house the other day. She's having a great time, and working hard to express herself more and more-which is a huge treat for us. I can't wait till she can tell me exactly what she's thinking. As of now- I've got her making some pretty accurate monkey noises when we look at pictures of monkeys and she's quick to announce "uh-oh" after she throws (with some serious force) her sippy cup down from the high chair or pushes a block tower to the ground. Lots of giggling, plenty of dancing, and a tremendous amount of running away at full speed with high pitched squeals and blowing kisses.

Good times, good times. Love to all, jesse.