Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day!

With 1-2 inches of snow sticking on the ground we're enjoying a quiet day of no daycare and no work. Thought I might as well take Vera outside this morning to experience the fluffy white stuff and see what all the fuss is about. She was in awe..plodding down the snow covered street in front of our house leaving little pint sized foot prints and trudging down the hill into our side yard. She was unusually silent, just looking around and taking it all in. She kept pointing to the trees and the cars and the houses and looking to me for some explanation. I gave her a pretty good tutorial on snow angel making and demonstrated multiple times, but she just looked at me like I was crazy. I couldn't bring myself to drag her down in the snow with me (sorry Katy!) All was well till she hit an unexpected snow covered curb and face-planted in the chilly white stuff. She came up screaming, with a completely white, snow covered face-tongue out licking and spitting snow. We headed inside, where she was able to dry off and warm up and within minutes of being freed from her snowsuit she ran over to the couch pointing up to the window. She spent the next half an hour balancing on pillows looking outside, curious to see more of the snow
..but from a distance.
Happy winter to all!
ps. just realized the pictures posted in backwards order. But you get the idea!

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