Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring is here and Vera is all about the outside world. She gazes out the windows longingly and walks right up to the front door and tries to pry it open with her little fingers. We've been going on lots of walks through the neighborhood, made several trips to the park, and are spending tons of time on the back porch. Yesterday I filled up a couple containers with water and she went crazy, pouring and dipping and filling and dumping for what felt like forever (Probably only 30 minutes...but in toddler time, this is like sitting down to watch two movies in a row!).
She is also learning how to drink out of a cup without the sippy cup lid. At daycare the other kids in her class don't use sippy cups, so she's started to refuse drinks in sippy cups at home, trying to pry the lids off herself. She definitely had some good drinking from a cup practice during the water play. And she especially liked it when I'd pour water out of her new watering can and she'd dance in and out of the sprinkles.

What fun! Happy Spring to everybody!!

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